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Current transformers

Current transformers

SKU: 32


The Current Transformers (CT) makes it possible to measure high current values, and indicate, these using instruments of much lower ratings.
Owing to the high costs of the cable, we recommend the use of a CT for current measurement above 40A (unless otherwise specified).

THERMIC CURRENT (Ith): is the highest primary current (effective value) that the CT can support for 1 second, without damage, owing to excessive overloads, with secondary short circuited.

DYNAMIC CURRENT (Idyn): is the highest primary current (peak value) that the CT can support for 1 second, without damage, owing to electromagnetic efforts, with secondary short circuited.

HIGHEST VOLTAGE LIMIT RANGE: is the highest voltage (effective value) that the CT can support.

TEST VOLTAGE: Is the voltage that the CT can support (at industrial frequency, for the insulation reference) for 1 minute between primary and secondary.

SATURATION FACTOR (Fs) - SAFETY FACTOR (n): is the ratio between the primary current value that causes the magnetic core saturation and the primary nominal current value. The lower is the “n” value, better the instrument is protected.

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